Hostel Fee and Other Fees

Hostel Fee and Other Fees

Hostel Fee 2024/2025
Hostel Fee per month^
Room type JCPGH 1 JCPGH 2 JCPGH 3 PGH 4 – 6*
Single Room HK$3,900 HK$3,280 (C)
HK$3,510 (B)
Shared Room HK$2,580 HK$1,945 (D)
HK$2,195 (C)
HK$2,380 (B)
HK$2,580 (A)

^ Approved by the University in June 2024.
* Depends on actual room type.


  • Reservation fee: $2,000 (One-off; non-refundable; will be used to offset partial hostel fee of the first two months residency, i.e. $1,000/month)
  • Deposit: $3,500 (yearly; refundable)
  • Residents’ Association fee: $20 (every semester; non-refundable)
Service Charge
Item Service charge ($)
Borrowing hostel key from PGH $10 per 24 hours
Late collection of parcels at the counter $10 per day per parcel
Cleaning and/or repair charge if the room is not in a reasonable condition $100/hour, min. charge of 2 hours
For authorized overnight visitor
Same sex CUHK student authorized overnight visitor $70 per night
Same sex relatives authorized overnight visitor (Please consult PGH Office in advance for the application) $105 per night
(Optional) Provision of pillow with pillow case for same sex relatives overnight visitor $20 per application
(Optional) Provision of blanket for same sex relatives overnight visitor $40 per application
(Optional) Provision of sheets for same sex relatives overnight visitor $20 per application
(Optional) Provision of folding bed for same sex relatives overnight visitor $30 per application
Usage of Electrical Appliances
Air-conditioner# $1.5 / hour
Washer (Cold) $6 / cycle
Washer (Warm) $12 / cycle
Dryer $1.5 / 4 minutes – $18 / 48 minutes
Extractor $3 / cycle

# For JCPGH 2 & 3 only : A basic electricity usage level (140kWh per room per month) is provided for residents. Electricity fee ($1.5/kWh) will be separately charged for usage above this level to each room (shared by 2 residents in case of a shared room) based on individual metering on a monthly basis.

Item Penalty ($)
Late check out or return of keys (withdrawal from the hostel) $600 per day
Late check out or return of keys (switch hall/room) $400 per day
Leaving hostel keys/ CU-Link card to another person $1,000
Hosting unauthorized visitor during non-visiting hours $1000; $500 for each night afterwards
Lost or stolen main door/room key $200 for each
Lost or stolen desk/mailbox key $10 for each
Late submission of hostel withdrawal notification Forfeit $3,500 deposit or part of it
Damage the hall properties due to improper using According to the quotation of EMO / contractor / supplier
Repairing fee causing by residents According to the quotation of EMO / contractor / supplier
Smoking in hostel $500
Inappropriate behaviour due to being drunk $500

Please refer to “Hall Regulations for more details of the above items. The list is for reference only, final decision will be made by PGH Management.